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Writer's pictureIslandSoaring

WCSC Reciprocal Access

At a recent general meeting ISS amended our bylaws to allow reciprocal membership agreements with other soaring clubs. The first such agreement is with the West Coast Soaring Club.

Details are still being finalized but the essence is all current ISS members now have access to WCSC sites without becoming a full WCSC member. Similarly, all WCSC members are now welcome to use Dallas Road and Mount Prevost, under our existing land use agreements, without the need to become visiting pilot members.

Please note that all the other requirements must still be met. For example HPAC is required and you must sign the waivers required by the land owner.

See the Site Guide Pages for more details.

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Clair Maynard
Clair Maynard
Aug 14, 2020

Well done guys!!


Aug 14, 2020

Good work folks! I think this is a great step forward

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