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Cowichan Valley Airspace Caution

After several incidents recently involving powered aircraft in the Cowichan Valley being unaware of paragliding activity at Youbou, Hill60, Prevost, the following recommendations are being made to increase visibility and safety of soaring in the area:

Additional Safety precautions for flying sites in the Cowichan Valley

Due to a couple of close calls and increasing air traffic in CYA135 and CYA113 we are recommending that one pilot in the group call or email the 443 Squadron Flight Operations Centre before and after flying. (They regularly use the old mill site at Youbou for training.) Also, it is suggested that the intent to fly be announced prior to launch via air-band radio on 123.025 MHz and that this frequency be monitored by at least one pilot in the group during flight.

None of this is in any way mandatory but bear in mind that any close interaction between powered and unpowered aircraft is likely to go badly for the unpowered...regardless of right-of-way.

The 443 Squadron Flight Ops Centre can be reached by phone at 250-363-5443 ext.51081 and will be staffed if they have any flights in operation. They can be reached by email at

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